Rural Mission: Plans & Prayers
Following on from the leaving celebration for the Rural Missioner at Monmouth Baptist Church on Saturday 26th June 2021 the full video entitled Rural Mission: Plans & Prayers will be live from 16:00 on the same day.
Following on from the leaving celebration for the Rural Missioner at Monmouth Baptist Church on Saturday 26th June 2021 the full video entitled Rural Mission: Plans & Prayers will be live from 16:00 on the same day.
All change in the Rural Mission Project. Ian Purcell will be leaving the work at the end of this month. There will be a farewell celebration from 3pm at Monmouth Baptist Church on Saturday 26th June. You can follow the service or catch up with this link if you are not able to make it on the day. Thanks!
The team from Llanddewi Rhydderch produce their latest video for us this Christmas time
Our friends from Llanddewi Rhydderch have been at their creative work again. This is their first video
We are now in a culture that feels safer than ever to ask questions on a website Rev Dr. Jo Cox-Darling said at the launch of What is the purpose of life? What is love? Who is God and what is God like? Take a look. Ask questions.
Some excellent guest speakers and events lined up by our friends from Monmouth for March 2020 including – Kristi Mair, Lindsay Brown, Katharine Swartz and John Lennox
Further to Raglan’s experimenting in prayer post, our friends in Llanddewi Rhydderch are often experimenting in worship and would welcome anyone to join them at their special events planned in March. Sunday March 1st 10.30 a.m. St. David’s Day Service with Welsh hymns / tunes (sung in English apart from Calon Lân) Sunday March 29th 10.30 a.m. Family Service with the theme “God is Love”. There is such creativity among us and a rich variety of expressions of worship. The photos…
Recently I was learning about the start of the Sunday School movement through the work of Robert Raikes. He didn’t start it as a result of a voice from heaven, a burning bush or any other wonderful experience. He looked out of his window, saw these children playing noisily on the street, recognised a need and began an experiment. In 8 years 300,000 were attending Sunday schools. There can be no failure with an experiment! How many of us live…