Safeguarding Course
This is a note from Evi Williams from Norton Baptist
Dear Friends,
In 1994, BUGB published ‘Safe to Grow’, a booklet about how to keep people with additional needs, children & young people safe – at church, youth clubs, on outings and during home visits.
Since then, legislation and safeguarding practises have changed. In accordance with new regulations, folks from our chapel will attend a Safeguarding Course in the spring, to achieve Levels 1, 2, and 3. This training will bring us in line with the latest guidelines, which is what each chapel needs to do.
It’ll be an all-day course, and will be held at Norton, on 11th May.
We’d like to invite you to join us, and would be very happy for as many of you as can, to come along and do this training together with us; bring a packed lunch – we’ll provide refreshments mid-morning and in the afternoon :- )
Please would you get back to me with numbers as soon as possible, as we need to let BUGB know?
The updated ‘Safe to Grow’ booklet is available from the BUGB website; we have downloaded it, and printed it out for ourselves, for easier reading. All our Deacons are reading it, as our Minister suggested, and we will have a look at the latest policies, which can also be downloaded from the BUGB site on Safeguarding.
Any additional information can be found there, too.
As to who should do this training, see the list below. Basically, ALL churches & chapels should have ALL Deacons, Trustees, Ministers, Designated People, Children’s/Youth and Pastoral Leaders to complete levels 1-3.
God bless, and with best wishes,
Evi Williams,
Norton ([email protected] or Tel 01600′ 715′ 013)
(From the BUGB website on Safeguarding):
Are you a Deacon/Trustee/Safeguarding Trustee? Are you a Minister? Are you a Designated Person? Are you working with Adults at Risk (e.g. pastoral visiting, lunch club for people with learning disabilities)? Are you a Children’s Work Leader? Are you a Youth Leader? Are you a Children’s/Youth/Crèche Worker?
People who hold many different roles within a local church need to do Safeguarding training, preferably the BUGB Excellence in Safeguarding, which is delivered by the Association. So, if you have answered YES to any of the above questions, you need to do this training!
Level 3: (Specific training for Deacons/Trustees, Ministers, Designated People, Children’s/Youth and Pastoral Leaders) – an afternoon’s course to follow from Level 2 in the morning.
The above training is available to anyone, but we strongly recommend that the people in the above roles in your church attend the courses.